Below you can find a listing of the projects selected for TA and/or RA in INTERACT from 2017 until 2019, together with short project descriptions (click the links from the project title).


Project AcronymStation(s) Project TitleField season
*EMPTY*SVARTBERGETMicroscale impacts of groundwater/hyporheic upwelling on stream temperature under varying discharges2017
ACESCAIRNGORMS, HYYTIÄLÄDeveloping a Qualitative Methodology for Assessment of Cultural Ecosystem Services2018
ACT-RGGINRAn active rock glacier in West Greenland – Deciphering its structure and landform evolution2020
AETHERRFSAir transport and diversity of thermo tolerant phototrophic bacteria2020
AirMiMiCSERAirMiMiC - Airborne delivery vs. surface accumulation of Microbes, Mineral dust and black Carbon onto the Greenland Ice Sheet2019
ALBICESERAlbedo observations on mountain glacier ice in Greenland2017
ALDYROANSAlien species dynamics along mountain roads2017
ALDYROANSAlien species dynamics along mountain roads and trails2018
AMBER-ICECARSActivity, metabolism and gene expression in the cryosphere2020
AMIMAVRSAtmospheric Mercury Isotope Monitoring in the Arctic2018
AmpAr-AGESVANHOVD, KILPISAmpAr-AGE_descriptionAmphibians in the Arctic –ageing and growth on the edge2017
ANSOCSOD-PALLASArctic Night Skies as an Orientation Cue—Quantifying the Effects of Light Pollution on Lunar and Stellar Orientation 2017
AOM-PeatSVARTBERGETAnaerobic Oxidation of Methane: Potentials, Estimation and Transition2017
AquaFunARCST, KHAFungal contributions to the Carbon cycle of Subarctic and Arctic ponds2019
Arc-N2ODIR-ITA, CARS, FINSE, TRS, TOOLIK, ARCSTPan-arctic N2O flux screening network2018
ARCHENVARRIO, OULANKAContributions of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria to nitrification in taiga soils2020
ARCTIC-GBRSOD-PALLASGround-based Microwave Radars for Arctic Snowpack Monitoring2020
ArcticBuzzANSUnderstanding the dynamics of plant-pollinator responses to climate change2019
ArcticFanZACComparison of geomorphology and dynamics of alluvial and colluvial fans and cones in the Arctic based on examples from Greenland, Svalbard and Iceland2017
ArcticFanARCSTComparison of geomorphology and dynamics of alluvial and colluvial fans and cones in the Arctic based on examples from Greenland, Svalbard and Iceland2018
ARCTICFIREWARCShort and long term effects of forest fires on the stability of carbon pools in the arctic permafrost and subarctic forests2018
ARCTICWAVESOD-PALLASNext-generation Microwave Radars for Arctic Snowpack Monitoring2019
ARCTOSTRESKHAResistance to extreme climatic variations of arcto-alpine bumblebees: Biogeography, phylogeny, physiology of hyperthermic stress2017
ArIsCoFINIArctic Island communities: shifting lifestyles and traditional economies facing climate change & globalization2019
ARNOLDFINI, GINR, SUDURNESAnnual rings to better understand long-term abiotic drivers of shrub growth at the northernmost limits of their distribution2019
ASAP GLGINRAlien species of Aphids - Greenland2019
ASEOMSONNBLICKAtmosphere-Snow Exchange of Organic Matter2019
BC-HORHORNSUNDSpatial Distributions of Black Carbon and Mineral Dust in Air and Snow Surface Layers upon Hornsund Glaciers2019
BCAMKHIBINYBaseline Conditions and Arctic Mining Impacts under Hydro-Climatic Change2017
BEAChGINR, ARCSTBiodiversity and Ecology of the Arctic Intertidal: Changes Over Time2017
BEACH2RFS, SUDURNESBiodiversity and Ecology of the Arctic Intertidal: Changes and Human Impacts2019
BEFLUXOULANKABEfore the FLUXes – an independent microbial, geospatial and modeling based estimation of methane emissions2020
BIH-ARCTICGINRBackground insect herbivory in Arctic ecosystems2018
BIO-CLIMAKTRURiverine invertebrates as biological indicators of climate driven changes along environmental gradient within the glaciarized Kuray watershed in Altai, Russia2018
BIOCARSIBKHANYMEINew biotic and abiotic factors controlling carbon cycle in thaw lakes of western Siberia (in comparison with lakes of NE Europe)2018
BIOENGLATRSThe microbiome of englacial habitats2017
BioSoCrCARSBiological soil crusts in polar cold desert biomes2019
BIOSOILVRSBiological crusts of different Arctic extreme environments and their impact on the soil ecosystem (biodiversity, gas exchange and nutrient cycling)2017
BIPSVANHOVDBenthic filter-feeding Invertebrates from the Arctic as accumulators of Pollutants and tolerant bacterial communities2020
BITCueNERC AS, ARCST, TOOLIK, RFS Biotic interactions tracked by computer vision2019
BREATHESARMFSBog-Breathing in Ryam:Ecosystem controls on Annual changes in the Peat Surface monitored by InSAR2019
BYOSOILFINSEEffects of BRYOphytes changes on belowground SOIL microbial ecosystems under long-term experimental warming in Norway2021
CAMP-SocAKTRUSoil Organic Carbon Stocks in the Central Asian Mountain Permafrost Region2017
CAPTURECARSLife in the shade: Diversity and distribution of chlorophyll-f containing cyanobacteria and infrared photosynthesis in the Arctic2019
CARBFLUXZACChemical Weathering and the Inorganic Carbon Flux of a High Arctic River2017
CATTALKEVO, ECN CAIRNGORMSComparative analysis of treeline trees across latitudinal gradient2018
CH4CoolKLUANEEnd members of CH4 oxidation in cold mountain soils2017
CHECOMSCHAKILPIS, KEVO, OULANKAStream water chemistry in crystalline headwater areas in Finland and Poland2017
CLAIMTRSClouds Lower the Albedo of Ice Microbiota2017
CLUNDRAFINSEPhenotypic plasticity in clonal tundra shrubs2019
COCARCARCST, GINRGenetic analyses of the arctic Cochlearia groenlandica and its close relatives2017
COMICS-GGINREffects of Climate change On Microbial Community of Soil in Greenland2017
CryolinkCARS, TRSPermafrost soil microbiome2018
CRYPTOGAMSVERDRUPThe importance of cryptogams in the primary succession process on glacier forelands in Svalbard2017
CRYPTOSOILTRSCryptogams as the main factor influencing initial development of soil and carbon sequestration in glacier forelands in northwest Sweden2019
CSOMFASSVANHOVD, CARSComposition of Soil Organic Matter Fractions from the Arctic and the Subarctic2019
DATECH3ZAC, SERAsynchronous evolution of glaciers in Greenland Based on Be-10 surface exposure dating techniqu2017
DECAFORKHIBINYThe role of deadwood for biodiversity conservation and carbon storage in boreal forests2018
Deep SenseSVERDRUPMultisensory Submersible Drifters to Study Glacial Water Flow2019
DEEPMUNCMMK-TATRALinking Above- and Below-ground communities: Microbial effects on Carbon cycling under changing Tundra vegetation2017
DEGREEZZACDEeper GRoudwater flow Effects on river Exports in Zackenberg2020
DESIGNARCSTDendroecological Exploration of Shrubs in West Greenland2018
DISKOTRAITARCST12 years of plant functional community change across a species rich tundra landscape on Disko Island, West Greenland2020
DISTUNDRAARCSTDisturbances and their consequences for vegetation of arctic tundra ecosystem, comparison to the experience from alpine tundra2019
DIVERSEZACMicrobial Genomics and Functional Diversity in Wetlands2019
DPSAWKEVO, SUDERNESDisentangling the Population Structure of Arctic Waders2020
DYNAMOSVARTBERGETDynamic stream flow impacts on hyporheic and riparian contributions to reach-scale microbial activity2018
DYPFLUHYYTIÄLÄDynamics of photosynthetic pigment in subarctic plants under fluctuating light conditions2017
ECAPSKHIBINYEnvironmental Controls on Arctic Plant Success2017
ECOHERBKEVO, MFS-NYMTOImpact and drivers of insect herbivory on nutrient cycling in broadleaf forests globally2020
EcoROOTOULANKAEcoROOT – How do changes in reindeer grazing and winter climate influence root dynamics in boreal ecosystems?2020
ECOTONESVARTBERGETEcohydrology of Peat Interface Zones2017
EMPTYSVARTBERGETMicroscale impacts of groundwater/hyporheic upwelling on stream temperature under varying discharges2017
ETANGOFinseEcology and diversity of Tardigrada in the northern glacial biome – are they unique?2018
FESTUCAFINI, TOOLIK, KLUANEGenetic diversity in northern grass-endophyte populations2017
FINDBCVARRIO, HYYTIALAFate of dissolved black carbon after fire disturbances in boreal forest ecosystems in Finland2018
FLUOSYNTHEHYYTIÄLÄFluorescence Across Space and Time - Focus on Leaf Optical Properties2017
FPIFRSPAFire-Permafrost Interactions and Forest Regeneration in Siberian larch forests2018
FROSTROOTTOOLIKThe role of deep-rooting plant species for carbon and nitrogen cycling in thawing permafrost ecosystems2019
FunCaSTCEN WK, TOOLIKFungal contributions to the carbon cycle of subarctic thermokarst ponds2017
GASGINRGlacial-fed sediments As a greenhouse gas Sink2019
GeneFreezeRFS, GINR, CEN WK, SVANHOVD, NERSUDURNESC ACGenetic adaptation to freezing and thawing in Enchytraeids2017
GEOPROFINSECombining near-surface geophysics and sedimentology to assess proglacial sediments at Midtdalsbreen, southern Norway2019
GHG-FLUX+MFS-NYMTOGreenhouse gas exchange in boreal wetland and freshwater ecosystems: a multi-scale approach2017
GLAC-REFFINSEClimate change effects on glacial river ecosystem functioning2017
GlacCarbTRSQuantifying the impact of retreating Arctic glaciers on the global carbon cycle2018
GLACIGREENZACHolocene glacial oscillations in Zackenberg area (Greenland)2018
GLACTICRFSGlacier-climate fingerprints of cooling events in the subarctic Atlantic2018
GLADWRAGCARSTracing Eskers Beneath Glaciers2017
GLAKPENNKHIBINYGlaciation of the Kola Peninsula, Arctic Russia2019
GLAMSTARARCSTGlacial Meltwater Sediment Transformation in Arctic River systems2017
GLAMSTARVRSGlacial Meltwater Sediment Transformation in Arctic River systems2018
GLARETRSGlacier Aerodynamic Roughness Estimation2017
GLARESt HFGlacier Aerodynamic Roughness Estimation2018
GlaSedRunHORNSUNDWater and sediment flux from Arctic glacier catchments2019
GLINSERInversion layers in Greenland - a Multi-Site approach2019
GLORIA-LATANSGlobal observation research initiative in alpine environments -Latnjajaure 2019
GRAINFLUXGINRGreenland Atmospheric Isotopic and Nutrient Fluxes2019
GRASPTRSGlacier Recession as a Source of Environmental Pollutants2017
GreenlandARCSTGrowing season changes over the past Millennium in northern high latitudes2017
HAARSVERDRUPHigh Arctic aphids reproductive system2018
HOLARCLIMCHOThe Late Holocene climate change inferred from the wetland ecosystems in the lower Indigirka River basin2019
Hydro-AMKHIBINYHydro-Climatic Change and Arctic Mining Impacts: Linking field observations with model interpretations2018
ICELYNARCSTIce thickness measurements of Lyngmarksbræen, Qeqertarsuaq, west Greenland2017
ICEWaveKILPISIce Cover Extinction by WAVE motions in polar lakes2017
IME4RadSOD-PALLASImproving model estimations of boreal forest structural influences on radiation regime during snowmelt2019
INFARI-DOMFINIInvestigating Faroe Island Dissolved Organic Matter2019
KOPPSKHIBINYKola Peninsula Plant Success2018
KOPPS2KHIBINYKOla Peninsula Plant Success 2 (KOPPS2)2019
LABSOCSANSLinking Above- and Below-ground communities: Microbial effects on Carbon cycling under changing Tundra vegetation2017
LABSOCSANSLinking Above- and Below-ground communities: Could the ‘wood-wide-web’ destabilise sub-arctic Soil Organic Carbon Stocks?2018
LAMELI2022HYYTIALADynamics of photosynthetic pigment in subarctic plants under fluctuating light conditions2017
LEGACYSVERDRUPGlacial impacts on lacustrine ecology, geophysical systems and pollutant chemistry in the high Arctic2019
LIDCarbonABISKODrone borne LiDAR and Artificial Intelligence for assessing Carbon storage2020
LISOVECOKILPIS, KEVOLink between soil chemistry, vegetation cover and springwater chemistry in the crystalline headwater areas in Finnish Lapland2019
MArSHORNSUNDMapping of Arctic Slopes in Changing Climate2020
MEMORIAMMFS-NYMTOImpact of temperature on the carbone cycle in a siberian mire2020
MicroVegARCSTMicrohabitats as a buffer for tundra vegetation change under climate warmingg2019
MINPROTABISKOMineral protection of organic matter during permafrost thaw in a sub-Arctic peatland2020
MIPOLARCTMFS-NYMTOMicroplastic pollution and effects on carbon-degrading microbial communities in Arctic Peatlands2019
MIRECASAAKTRUResponse of terrestrial microbial communities to environmental changes in Arctic, Sub-Arctic, and Alpine regions2017
MISMATCHZACWill spatiotemporal heterogeneity in arthropods buffer effects of phenological mismatches on growth and survival in insectivorous Arctic birds?2017
MISSEKEVOMicroclimate Impacts on Sub-arctic Soil Ecology2020
MycoFTEKILPIS, KEVO, TOOLIKImportance of trophic interactions for mycorrhizal dynamics across the Arctic2020
NPFArcticDIR-ITAMolecular steps of New Particle Formation in the Arctic atmosphere
OMI-PERMZACOrgano-Mineral Interactions from permafrost disturbance to sediment sink2019
P-PeatANS, CHOUnderstanding Phosphorus cycling in Peatlands under Climate Change2018
P-PEAT2ABISKOUnderstanding Phosphorus cycling in Peatlands under Climate Change2018
P-PEAT2TOOLIKUnderstanding Phosphorus cycling in Peatlands under Climate Change 22019
PCEOMWARCPermafrost Coastal Erosion: Observation and Modelling2017
PeatHOTMFS-NYMTO, KHANYMEISiberian peatlands as an archives of climate warming and long-term carbon dynamics2019
PEATSURE-IMFS, KAJGlobal Peatlands Under Pressure2018
PeatTraitABISKO, MFS-NYMTOPlant Traits of Northern Peatlands as impacted by global change2019
PERMAFIREWARCLong-term Changes in the Biogeochemistry of Permafrost Forests as a Result of Fire2019
PhenMisZACCoping with phenological mismatch: how an insectivorous migrant shorebird may mitigate the negative effects of a warming Arctic by prey and patch selection2020
PIKEPERCHKFRSImpact of catch-and-release practices on pikeperch (Sander lucioperca L.) during spawning period2018
POLAARKILPIS, ZAC, SVERDRUP, RFS, FinsePollination Across the Arctic2017
PyCARBOVARRIO, HYYTIALAPyrogenic carbon in boreal forest ecosystems: fate and environmental impact2018
QCEEOULANKAQuantifying Components of Energy Exchange in a composite boreal landscape2020
REACTRFS, CEN WKGrowth-ring record of modern extreme weather phenomena in the Low Arctic2017
ReTurnKILPIS, SOD-PALLASResampling forest and tundra vegetation after decades of climate and land-use change2017
RhoBOTFINSEMaterial Density from Borehole Optical Televiewing2019
ROSSAGINRReactive Oxygen Species as a Stressor in the Arctic2018
S-TRACESCEN WKShrubs-Tundra Response in the Arctic Climate/Environmental Shift2018
SAFEKEVOEvaluation of Soil Activity, Functioning and green-house gas Emissions in different subarctic ecosystems2018
SAMIRESKEVOEthical Principles for Sami Health Research in Finland2017
SedTracTRSFluvial sediment transport characteristics in periglacial and glacial environments of Northern Sweden2017
ShrubSOCARCST, GINRShrubs and Soil Organic Carbon2018
SiberMireKAJClimatic sensitivity of taiga-tundra mire vegetation; a multi-proxy palaeo approach to evaluating changing biome dynamics and C accumulation2017
SNAPFINSESnow Accumulation Patterns on Hardangerjøkulen Ice Cap, using Geophysical Methods2018
SNAPFINSESnow Accumulation Patterns on Hardangerjøkulen Ice Cap using geophysical methods2019
snow2iceSAMFrom snow to wedge ice – tracing recent ice-wedge genesis2017
SOC-TaigaELG, KHASoil Organic Carbon Pools in the Russian Taiga2018
SOCRATESANS, FINSESoil organic carbon research in alpine tundra ecosystems2019
SPECDOCHYYTIÄLÄLinking chlorophyll fluorescence from the leaf to the satellite for improved monitoring of boreal forest carbon dynamics2017
TeaCompARCST, KHIBINYA global litter decomposition study2017
TRANSCLIMANSTThe effect of warming on the Arctic soil microbiome assessed by soil transfer along an altitudinal gradient and between aspects2019
TRANSGREENVRSTransect studies between warm Svalbard and cold North Greenland - comparing permafrost and landscape dynamics across the largest climatic gradient in the High Arctic2017
TreeCan-RTSOD-PALLASValidating microwave radiative transfer models of tree canopies in wintertime2017
TREENEKEVOTree-ring Records of Extreme Events in Northern Europe2018
TREENEANSTree-ring Records of Extreme Events in Northern Europe2019
TREEPEATMFSClimate induced change in the forested-to-open bog ecotone over time2018
UHDEM-glacSERNew insights into ablation processes from ultra-high resolution DEMs of glacier surface changes2018
VIKINGSVERDRUPVibroseis imaging of Konsgvegan's internal structure and thermal regime2019
VPthawCHOVegetation - permafrost interactions in a lowland tundra ecosystem: shrub decline due to abrupt thaw triggered by wet summers?2018
VPTHAWCHOVegetation - permafrost interactions in a lowland tundra ecosystem: shrub decline due to abrupt thaw triggered by wet summers?2019
WILDSENSANSSensing Wild Spaces -Integrated Participatory Mapping for Understanding Community Relationships to Dynamic Mountain Landscapes2018
WoodForCeHYYTIÄLÄWood formation and carbon balance in forest species growing in cold environments2019
ZAKSCANZACGeomorphological characterization and activity analysis in the Zackenberg region2017
SoilTempABISKOAlien species dynamics along mountain roads2017
SoilTempABISKOAlien species dynamics along mountain roads and trails2018
SORTSPAStructure of Russian Taiga2019
SPARSEABISKORemote Sensing of plant physiological traits in Arctic vegetation2019
STAPH_INSt-HEStaphylinid beetles (Staphylinidae) as indicator of the territories adjacent to the glaciers2020
TEGAPMFS-NYMTO, KAJBASOVOGenomic basis of climate-change associated brownification/darkwater adaptation in Eurasian perch: the Trans-Eurasian perspective2019
THARCPEATTOOLIKImpacts of Permafrost Thawing on Arctic Peatlands2020
TundraPTOOLIKPhosphorus transformation across Pan-arctic tundra ecosystems2018
VegClimGINRLinking modelled species distributions to local population processes in Greenland vegetation communities for an increased understanding of climate change effects2020
WIN2KEVOWoody expansion in subarctic permafrost peatlands: interactive effects of permafrost degradation, plant facilitation and herbivores2019
WoodForCEHYYTIALAWood formation and carbon balance in forest species growing in cold environments2020
WSibTempMFS-NYMTO, KAJBASOVOHigh-resolution multi-proxy temperature reconstruction using lake sediments in West Siberia2019
SNOW-BALLCEN WKMercury concentration and tolerant microorganisms in Arctic SNOW: new Bioremediation chALLenges2022
2GEILFINSE, KLUANECH4 & CO2 Gas Emissions under Ice of Land-terminating Glaciers2022
AASER25ARCSTArctic Stream Ecosystem Research 252022
AR3STARCSTLandscapes, shapes and genes: Charting the adaptive response of three-spine sticklebacks to Holocene coastal evolution2022
ArctDaptBARCGenetic signs of local adaptation driven by light and climate across two Arctic plant species2021
ArcticMPSVERDRUPArctic microplastic invasion though atmospheric deposition2022
BactArcticZACBacteria in high-arctic watersheds: community coalescence from snow-packs to headwater streams and beyond2022
blueDENDROSVANHOVDBlue rings used for reconstructing summer cooling events in northern Fennoscandia2022
B-PAINTSCHARSBiodiversity and Plastics in Arctic Intertidal and Nearshore Terrestrial Systems2022
CAB-AMRKILPIS, RFSCampylobacter in arctic birds as an indicator of global spread of antimicrobial resistant zoonotic pathogens2022
CIRCEKEVOSearChIng for EmeRging Contaminants in Sub-Arctic rivErs2022
ColdStressSVANHOVDGenomic bases of cold stress2022
DarkFunCEN-WKResolving fungal dark matter in the Arctic thaw ponds using high-throughput single cell genomics and culturing2022
DECCARHYYTIALARelationship analysis between deadwood decay rate, microbial biodiversity and climate change mitigation in boreal forests2021
Deep SenseSVERDRUPTrailblazing glacial hydrology in-situ measurements with Artificial Intelligence2021
EXPLOREVRSExploring the permafrost microbiome in Northern Greenland2021
ezDowelsOULANKAezDowels – a new method to study and monitor fungal colonization of boreal wood2022
GHOSTARCSTGreenland hot spring microbial diversity contribution to biogeochemical cycling2022
GLRETATRSGlacier and Lake Response to Extreme Temperature Anomalies in the Arctic2022
HeBoGQAANAAQReconstructing the late Holocene extent and behaviour of glaciers in north-west Greenland2022
KolymaSedNESSAssessment of sediment fluxes in the lower Kolyma River System, Siberia, Russia2021
SAFESUDURNESEvaluation of Soil Activity, Functioning and green-house gas Emissions in unmanaged and drained Wetlands (SAFE-Wet)2022
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